Alles anzeigenHere pictures from my car.... and it is the very same area where it break.
In my case I have the problem fumes to insert cabin via cabin filter since Oktober 2018 - but only while the DPF Cleanup run. It means that the leak is so small that that fumes out only while it is hot enough (600 Celcius) while DPF Cleanup. In normal mode it seams to be cosed because of low temperatur on the metal.
Since nearly 3 years it was not posible to found the reason for that oil level rising. I was also in contact with misubishi in Japan.
Using diagnose app on my phone I was all this time able to read the temperatur on al temperartur sensors while DPF cleanup and so I did know that one sensor never reached the needed 600 degrees and stuck always around 450 degress.
All the time misubishi was not able to tell my why the temperatur is not reched. I replaced the sensor and the brand new one showed the same data. In spring I contacted mitsubishi in Japan and they was also not able to tell my why.
Now I know why...
I tried to get now a replacement part exhaust manifold from Mitsubishi as good will. They denied because they don't heard about this kind of error.
If you say:
"the importer offered free manifold replacement". Can I ask in what country you requested it?
Greece ..