Beiträge von Balu08

    Thank you for the information.

    Today morning I made a test. The pressure difference at 160 km/h was around 0,3 bar.

    It is normal that in case of higher speed the pressure difference is higher. Higher speed is higher engine load, but 0,3 bar is too much, I think.. :(

    I have an aftermarket dpf filter, made by JMJ.

    Before replacement the workshop tested the injector and turbo. There were ok. Now I have new dpf filter (it was changed 6 months ago), but nothing has been changed.

    Hallo ASX Freak,

    Could you help me? I have a Mitsubishi Lancer 1.8 DI-D, with similar sympthom. My car makes regeneration in every 80-100 km.

    I would like to see the exhaust sensor data. I have a bluetooth adapter and Torque Pro, but I cannot see the data.

    Which Mitsubishi Plugin need to install, in order to have a acces to sensoe data?

    Thank you.
